As to how to actually, uh, do it? Simple. Now that you’ve figured out what type of dye you need (and have temporarily sworn off committing wholesale to some garish neon hue you’ll only regret down the line), applying the dye itself is a pretty straightforward process. A few days before you plan on doing the deed, wash your hair and don’t apply any styling products. The day of, try to gather any additional tools the dye you’re using calls for—like gloves and brushes—so you’re not making a mess of your makeshift TikTok studio (surprise: it’s the bathroom!) while mud-colored goop slowly drips down your face a la Rudy Giuliani. Then apply the dye to fully dry hair and allow it to settle for however long the packaging advises. Finally, rinse it all out using a color-preserving shampoo for added vibrancy.

But wait, the fun doesn’t stop there! Depending on how long your hair is, you might have to ready yourself to do the whole thing all over again within a month or so (you can hold off for slightly longer if your roots really take to their newfound color with gusto). To get your money’s worth, try to reduce the amount of shampoo you use and always opt for col0r-safe shampoo when your hair is feeling too greasy to avoid lathering up.

Ultimately, though, whether you’re a budding silver fox not yet ready to accept your AARP card or just a relative young’un looking to mix things up a little bit, the only way to find out what you’ll look like post dye job is to have at it yourself. To paraphrase the great Amy Winehouse: Even if you dye a hundred times, you can always go back to black. (Or brown. Or blonde.)

Read the full article here


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